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Бесплатные объявления и мобильные тендеры для малого и среднего бизнеса

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contact bushiri prayers ministry +27731767611 Now that you know this secret, send me your Prayers and I will add to my Prayer List. When you send me your prayers, I will show you how to get a prophetic Rock that you will use to Knock Down Your Goliath. Send it to me NOW!

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online prayers and true deliverance call+27731767611
Prayer has long been a cornerstone of Christianity and will most likely remain so throughout the ages. When one reads the Bible, he or she will find many chapters and verses that refer to the act of prayer, how one can pray effectively, and when prophetic prayer is in order.

Is there something specific that you would like to pray for? Become part of the prophetic prayer list and speak to pastor lukau today. Tell him your prayer requests and he shall speak God’s message to you. email bushiriprayers333@gmail.com call+27731767611