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Бесплатные объявления и мобильные тендеры для малого и среднего бизнеса

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spell caster;+27737829821

200 руб.
1076 (+809) просмотров

As a healer I use a variety of roots, bark, herbs, flowers, and a wide range of land and animal products when making medicine or muti. Most of the treatments are focused on the balance of the ethereal, energies and human body. If the source of the ailment is the primary concern, therefore before centering on the physical effects of the ailment I will investigate if indeed there is a spiritual/metaphysical reason behind the symptoms. Because I am a divine being that possess the ancestral keys, I am able to unlock the universal information and share it those that seek answers or require help and assistance.
Perhaps it's your time to let the spirits of the metaphysical world help you enjoy the rich life filled with love, happiness, and wealth.;+27737829821

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